Classilla problems

So every time I download a file on Classilla, it corrupts the metadata.

So the type is always "GIFf" and creator is always "ogle", which forces me to change the creator and type manually.

Of course, I don't know these by heart, so I need to figure out every time it happens.

I've been setting Mac OS 8.6 on SheepShaver to work along with Mac OS 9.2.2 on QEMU. The advantage is that SheepShaver copies the host's clipboard, so it's much easier to edit files.

But then on Mac OS 9 I use FileType to address the metadata issues and, naturally, that doesn't work on SheepShaver because it requires Carbon.

So now on Mac OS 8 I use BunchTyper. But it's a pain in the arse. I wish Classilla would just leave the metadata alone.


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